Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Oranges and Your Dog

Dog lovers understand that when we love something, we want to share it with our pooches. This is especially true when it comes to the foods we eat: the joy we feel when we give our canine fur babies a healthy snack makes treating them just as much of a treat for us. Most dog owners are aware that there are some human foods that should never be given to their pups: grapes, raisins chocolate, onions, garlic, avocados, macadamia nuts, and xylitol top this list. But what about oranges and other types of citrus? 

 A Little, Not a Lot
While the flesh of oranges isn't toxic, too much at once can give your dog considerable gastrointestinal issues due to the high fiber and citric acid content it contains. That same high fiber, as well as the Vitamin C from citric acid, is also what makes very small amounts of orange pieces a healthy treat in moderation. The Vitamin C can help boost your pup's immune system, and limited amounts of fiber can aid in digestion just as it does for us humans. Oranges and all other fruits that are considered dog-safe such as bananas and blueberries are also high in natural sugars. So, if your dog is diabetic or sensitive to sugar, then you will want to be especially stingy in sharing any fruit with them or simply refrain altogether. 

Make sure to check with your veterinarian before introducing citrus treats to your pup's diet. If you are given the green light, stick to oranges or tangerines only. Do not feed your dog grapefruits, lemons, or limes. Start with a very small piece to see if your dog likes it and to ensure that there are no digestive issues or skin irritation. If all is well, stick to tiny bits every once in a while, as a rare and special tasty treat. You can put a little piece into their regular food or kibble, freeze tiny pieces for a cold treat on a hot day, or mix a small piece or two into a doggie smoothie.

The Peel Has No Appeal

By comparison, the peels, rinds, and seeds of any citrus fruit are toxic to dogs due to high limonene content (the same flavonoid that makes citrus zest equally bitter to and healthy for humans) as well as a compound called psoralen. Likewise, fruits that have mold on their rinds contain mycotoxins which can cause a whole host of health complications, so make certain that any pieces of flesh you give them are seed-free with any rind or peel pared completely out. If you have citrus trees in your yard or home, make sure to pick up any dropped fruits, and especially those that have mold.  Rinds are also concentrated with essential oils that are poisonous to dogs, so if you have a dog that likes to explore everything with their mouth, make sure to get fruits out of their reach.

Likewise, dogs should never be served orange juice, as it is way too concentrated for safe consumption. We humans may turn to orange juice when we have the sniffles to stave off a more serious illness, but if your pup is under the weather, your vet is your best bet. For your pup's hydration, stick to water.

Make Fleas Flee

The essential oils found in citrus, while not meant to be ingested, can work wonders around the house for flea control--with the added bonus of aromatherapy!  Just take those carefully pared peels and put them in a saucepan of water. Bring the water to a boil, turn it down, and simmer for one to two hours. This simple heat-derived chemical process leaches out the essential oils while making your home smell divine! Let the mixture cool and then blend the peels and water in a blender or food processor. Strain the resulting pulp until you get a fragrant liquid. This is your flea treatment for your home: put your pet in a separate area and treat for fleas with a veterinarian-approved medication. Do not spray your pet with the essential oil mixture!  Instead, spray the essential oil mixture generously on all flea-ridden bedding, carpets, etc. While you're waiting, you can mix some fresh-squeezed orange juice into an oatmeal dog shampoo to help treat for fleas and control itching and then treat your pet with a veterinarian-approved flea and tick medication. Make sure to let the treatments dry completely before allowing your pet to return to the bedding area.

In summary, while oranges and tangerines can and should be a big part of our nutritional palette that we might be tempted to share, it should only be a limited part of your dog's gustatory experience. Put another way, the flesh of oranges and tangerines are unique and healthy treats in moderation. Additionally, the rinds should never be ingested but are great for a DIY flea control hack. Just remember to check with your vet when it comes to all things regarding your pup's nutrition and health.


The 9 dangerous foods that you should never feed your dog

Can dogs eat oranges? Safety, benefits, and risks explained

Can Dogs Eat Citrus? Safe Fruits for Your Pet

Can Dogs Eat Citrus Fruit? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ – Dogster

Can dogs eat oranges? What an expert says about the fruit, peel

Can Dogs Eat Oranges? Read Before You Feed | Purina

Can Dogs Eat Grapefruit? What To Know - A-Z Animals

How To Make Organic Citrus-Based Flea Spray | Cuteness

6 Natural Ways to Repel Fleas and Ticks - The Animal Keeper

Home Remedies For Dog Fleas To Protect Your Pet | ABC Blog

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Thursday, December 26, 2024

A Juicy New Year!


Ahhh, the holidays! This year, Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa all take place during the same week. While these may be different holidays, they share quite a few things in common: time with friends and family, gift exchanges, candles, lights, and food...lots and lots of food. 

Making Resolutions

Coming right on the heels of equally food-centered Thanksgiving, this season is definitely one that gives us a little too much permission to overindulge. As such, it is hardly surprising that the number one New Year's resolution in 2025 (and most years) for most adults is to improve health via better fitness, weight loss, and healthier eating. Second to these goals, people list money management and stress relief as their primary resolutions.

These aspirations are very much related to one another.  After all, stress can induce overeating and lack of motivation to exercise and eat right, which can then create a sense of malaise and a lack of energy to accomplish one's goals. This can in turn induce more stress, and the cycle continues. In fact, Forbes did a recent study which revealed that most people quit their resolutions before the summertime, after only 3.74 months. 

We need tools to help us navigate the choppy waters of making and failing at New Year's Resolutions, so that we can see them through. Studies have shown that it's easier to add to your daily routine than restrict your habits, and one of the easiest ways to do this is by adding more water, fruits and vegetables to your existing diet.  And one of the easiest ways to get a variety of fruits and vegetables regularly--with the added bonus of critical hydration-- is by drinking them!

How Juicing Helps Literally Everything

Remember how resolutions are interconnected? By strategically targeting nutrition and hydration, other challenges such as stress and weight management start to ease all by themselves.  There is a proven stress-diet connection that can be addressed proactively. Better eating and greater hydration bring on a better sense of well-being, sometimes immediately, which in turn relaxes both mind and body for a less stressful mindset. From here, other life challenges can be faced from a healthier perspective, such as money, work, and relationship issues.  Heck, if everyone started juicing regularly, world peace might not feel like such a pipe dream. 

People often associate juicing with a bad taste and the calorie and carbohydrate density of store-bought juices. In fact, store-bought orange juice is not nearly as healthy as fresh-squeezed and often contains an additive to replace the flavor and nutrients lost during packaging, when dearation (the removing of oxygen to prevent the juice from spoiling) takes place. By contrast, freshly juicing your oranges and grapefruits results in a nutritious, hydrating, and deeply satisfying flavor powerhouse! Another consideration that makes folks reticent to make their own juice is the myth that it is a labor-intensive process. While there are indeed fancy juicing machines available to buy and complicated recipes to explore, it can be a very simple and inexpensive process to juice. But how to do it?

Citrus Juicing 101

If you have a juicer or a reamer, great! However, it is important to note that unless you need to make gallons of juice, no equipment is required. If you have some oranges, grapefruits, or any other varieties of freshly picked citrus, a knife, and a bowl, you are ready to go! 

First, wash the fruits well. Then cut them in half, quarter the halves and simply squeeze each quarter into the bowl until no more juice comes out. If there are seeds, it can be helpful to place a mesh strainer or piece of cheesecloth over the bowl to catch them, so you don't have to fish them out later. Here's a little-known tip: if you heat the orange quarters or halves for ten seconds in the microwave, they become more pliable and thus much easier to squeeze! You can also make incisions throughout the flesh of the fruit (not the rind) before squeezing to help break up the fibers and release more juice.

The above equipment-free method is perfect for a cup or two of instant delicious nutrition. Plus, the citrus essential oils that are released during the squeezing process are proven mood-lifters!  Finally, taking a few minutes to ritually prepare the fruit, squeeze the juice and savor the result can be a powerful mindfulness exercise that takes only minutes out of your morning but can have sustaining effects on your peace of mind. 

Here's to your happy, healthy New Year, from all of us at Florida Fruit Shippers!


What are Americans’ New Year’s resolutions for 2025? | YouGov

New Year’s Resolutions Statistics (2024) – Forbes Health

New year, healthier you? Here's how to gradually improve your eating patterns | American Heart Association

Keep your New Year's resolutions: 8 expert tips

The Stress-Diet Connection - Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter

The Truth About Store-Bought Orange Juice: It Doesn't Actually Taste Like Orange Juice

How To Juice Oranges Without A Juicer - Foods Guy

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Tuesday, December 17, 2024

I'm Dreaming of a White Grapefruit

To the tune of "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby:

I'm dreaming of a white grapefruit

Just like the ones I used to know

Where the treetops are bursting            

With fruit for which I'm thirsting

For the sweet tangy flavor I love so....

I'm dreaming of a white grapefruit

With every Christmas card I write

May your days be merry and bright

And may all of your grapefruits be white!

While we admit that Bing Crosby would probably never have guessed that a grapefruit would be the topic of a rewrite of his snow-wistful lyrics, let's be real: even though Florida does have to contend with occasional freezes during citrus season, the last time it snowed in Florida was on December 23, 1989 (also known as "Florida's first white Christmas"). The snowfall was near Jacksonville, well north of central Florida's citrus belt, and it completely melted within a very short time.  

Those who live in the "citrus belt"-- areas in the southern U.S. such as Florida, California, and Texas that are ideal for citrus growing--are not familiar with snow. However, true to Mother Nature's perfect design, those southern holiday cold fronts are mighty beneficial for growing sweet, juicy, citrus.  This fact is especially relevant to the white marsh grapefruit, since some consumers mistakenly believe it is sour tasting. As such, they overlook the white grapefruit for other delicious varieties that are well known to be sweet, like ruby red grapefruit, deep red grapefruitoranges, and tangerines, not realizing that the white grapefruit is both tart and sweet and thus bright and refreshing to the tastebuds--a true delight. Cold weather brings out the sweetness in all citruses, and when it comes to the tangy white grapefruit, that extra dose of sweetness only accentuates the hybrid flavors. 

The Marsh White grapefruit is also known as the Marsh Seedless, Whitney Marsh, Zinbaa Rose, and Marsh Jibarito. It is a little-known fact that this type of white grapefruit, discovered in Lakeland Florida in the mid-nineteenth century, is actually a hybrid of a sweet orange and a pomelo. It is almost totally seedless, and the other seedless grapefruits such as the ruby red and pink marsh grapefruits were developed from it. By comparison, the better-known Duncan white grapefruits have a more bitter taste and are loaded with seeds.

Whether you go for the white marsh grapefruit or any of the other grapefruit varieties, you can't go wrong incorporating their deliciousness into your holiday meals, snacks, and New Year's resolutions! All citrus fruits are famous for their concentrated vitamin C content, but grapefruits come out ahead in Vitamin A and phosphorusA short list of the overall health benefits of grapefruits include hydration, weight management, cancer-fighting, heart and digestive health, glowing skin, and weight management. One thing to note, however, is that grapefruit can affect the efficacy of some prescription medications such as statins, blood thinners, and corticosteroids, so do check with your doctor if you are taking these or other prescribed drugs.

Here's to Bitter--I Mean Better--Health

It's true that grapefruits--and especially the white ones--can have a distinctive bitter note that is exclusive to this type of citrus. It's even sometimes referred to as the "grapefruit taste," and is caused by flavonoids called naringin and limonin that are in much higher concentrations in white grapefruits than any other type of citrus. These compounds are extremely effective in reducing inflammation and promoting healthy digestion and metabolism. In the olden apothecary days, doctors advised folks to take their "bitters" for a long and healthy life, and they were administered as a barely palatable tincture. Now you can get your bitters in a much sweeter package!

How to Enjoy a Grapefruit

The simplest way to enjoy a grapefruit is fresh and raw. You can peel and section the fruit and serve it on a plate, or cut it in half and simply spoon-scoop the segments with or without a drizzle of honey on the top. You can add grapefruit segments to fruit salads or greens mixed with gorgonzola cheese and walnuts. Grapefruits are perfect for juicing with other fruits and vegetables. They can also be flavorful stand-ins for lemons when cooking seafoods, sauces, marinades, and even frostings. And through it all, the scent of grapefruits can be enjoyed as aromatherapy, warming up a room and your mood on a cold winter's night.

May your holidays be bright and may all your grapefruits be white (or red)!


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Friday, November 29, 2024

CyberCitrus: Oranges and Computers Aren't That Different

In honor of Cyber Monday, I asked ChatGPT the obvious question: how are computers and citrus fruits similar? What a surprise to discover that AI has a lot to say about the matter! Read on to learn more about the surprising parallels between our favorite fruits and the operating systems we order them from.

The Artificial Intelligence app Gemini even outputted this wonderful image for this blog, after I inputted the command: "Draw me a picture of a grapefruit and an orange next to a laptop computer." Even though I didn't say "please," it dutifully generated this image:

And so here is a summary, paraphrased from AI, of how citrus fruits and computers are more alike than we might realize:
  • Protection: ChatGPT notes that both citrus fruits and computers have substantial outer coverings, aka the peel and interface respectively, that protect the important inner parts that make a computer run and a fruit taste delicious and provide nutrition. If not for this protection, neither oranges nor laptops would be able to help us for very long!
  • Segmenting: both citrus fruits and computers work better thanks to segmenting: we can eat a delicious orange or grapefruit one segment at a time, just as a computer breaks down a large command into smaller subroutines.
  • Freshness: Just as citrus tastes best after being freshly picked, like the farm to table fruits you receive from Florida Fruit Shippers, computers likewise need to be regularly maintained and updated in order to be optimal. 

  • Seeds of Change: Just as many types of citrus fruits contain seeds, a computer program contains a code which is the seed of future processing,
  • Refreshment: In the same way that a citrus snack can refresh our taste buds and health, an efficient computer can refresh its systems quickly, enabling greater user satisfaction.
  • Putting On the Squeeze: We squeeze our citrus fruits to extract delicious juices that contain the essential components of vitamins and hydration. It's a lot like asking a computer to perform a function, which "squeezes" out the software and hardware to extract results.
  • Good Energy: Just as the Vitamin C in citrus fruits gives us sustainable energy, computers rely on electricity to power its abilities.
As a society, we have become dependent on our computers and devices to work, communicate, and function. Power up your cyber game by regularly fortifying with delicious citrus fruits.  After all, as we have learned from AI, they make a great "pear!" (Okay, pears aren't citrus fruits, but they offer loads of nutrition and we have a delicious gift box of them you are sure to enjoy).

Happy Holidays from all of us at Florida Fruit Shippers!

Sources: Chat GPT and Gemini

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Sunday, November 17, 2024

A Tisket a Tasket: Let's Pick a Holiday Basket

The holidays are upon us, and with all of the gift-bestowing and meal-sharing happening, the universal question arises: what can I give? There will be no shortage of slippers, neckties, and green bean casseroles being offered. How do I find a unique, affordable gift that is also decorative, useful, and delicious? Enter gift baskets!

The tradition of giving gifts in baskets can be traced all the way back to ancient Rome, where baskets of food, treats and small tools or trinkets were given to clients or, in some cases to those in need.  These baskets were known as sportules or sportulas, and were most commonly filled with pieces of meat.  Likewise, some trace the Easter basket as an origin point for gifting in baskets, heralding back to a seventh century acknowledgment of the ancient Norse/Germanic goddess Eostre or Ostara. It wasn't until the Victorian era, however, that high society began acknowledging baskets of gifts as the epitome of taste and refinement.

At Florida Fruit Shippers, we offer many options for basket-based gifts such as the citrus basket and the grove basket. There are also the close cousins to gift baskets: gift boxes like the Sunshine Gift Box or the Florida Sunshine Box. Like gift baskets, boxes also offer an assortment of edible, functional, delicious options that are also beautiful in presentation. These are just a few of a big selection of possibilities; check out Florida Fruit Gift Baskets And Combo Packs and let your imagination lead the way! 

With all the rush of this holiday season, why give gifts, and why go out of your way to find ones that are special? There are actually health benefits to gift giving!  To name just a few: 

*We feel happy. Many spiritual traditions list "giving" as an essential action for well being. Simply stated, making others happy makes us happy as well, as a testament to our connection to one another.

*Our state of mind improves. An effect of this shared happiness is like the gift-giver is also receiving a gift in return: it gives us a sense of purpose and meaning to bring joy to others, and in return we feel joy ourselves.

*Greater social connection. Giving a gift creates warm personal bonds between gift giver and receiver. As we are social beings, this connection in turn reinforces our state of mind and happiness.

*The effect is multiplied. The endorphins released by giver and receiver alike make the act of gift-giving--and its positive effects on the mind and heart--contagious. We create a world of givers and shared connection versus takers and disconnection, and the world needs a lot more of that!

So avoiding becoming a "basket case" over the busy holiday season is easy: focus on the giving, and let Florida Fruit Shippers make even that part easy on you. Enjoy! 

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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Election Results: Orange Vs. Tangerine

With the Presidential election upon us, we whimsically wondered: if there were a United States of Citrus, who would win the election if an orange ran against a tangerine? Let's explore what both candidates have to offer in this juicy imaginary citrus debate!

Commentator: Tangerine, your critics have called you thin-skinned.  How would you respond? 

Tangerine: It's absolutely true! I have a much thinner skin than the orange, which makes me much easier to peel and enjoy.

Commentator: Likewise, orange, you've been deemed thick-skinned compared to tangerine. What would you tell voters about this assertion? 

Orange: Well, my thick skin is a real asset for my shelf-life. Plus, I have more delicious and nutritional zest with all of this extra rind.

Commentator: Do either of you think that your size matters?

Tangerine: Yes, by all means. My smaller, oval-shaped size makes me very easy to take around. You can tuck me into a lunchbox or a purse.

Orange: I'm bigger. And bigger is better.

Commentator: It's not just your looks, but your taste, that voters are interested in. Tell me, both of you, what makes your flavor the best?

Tangerine: I'm sweeter than orange. And I don't just mean my taste. Orange can be a sourpuss.

Orange: Sour? Hardly! I might be a bit tart, and I am definitely brighter than you. Some even call me tangy--even though YOU'RE the one called "tangerine!"

Tangerine: My distinctive name comes from Tangiers in Morocco, thank you very much.

Commentator: That leads me to my next question. The United States of Citrus is proud of its diverse population. Where do you both originate from?

Tangerine: Palatka, Florida!

Orange: Asia and Indonesia, although now we are grown mainly in Florida and California.

Commentator: What about your nutritional value? 

Tangerine: Well, while most citrus varieties are rich in Vitamin C, I also happen to have a lot of Vitamin A. Orange falls short on this platform.

Orange: Let's be clear--I have more Vitamin C than tangerine does, and more fiber too, which helps the body break down and absorb all of my many nutrients better.

(Commentator's Side Note: A hallmark of all citruses is a robust Vitamin C content, and whether you prefer oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, or a mixture, you can be assured that you are doing your body right!  Tangerines are also especially high in Vitamin A. With this kind of nutrition and flavor, and especially with the sugar-laden holiday season around the corner, it's a good idea to start your citrus-eating habit sooner rather than later. Thanks to the differences in flavor and texture between various citrus types, you have lots of choices to suit your mood.)

Commentator: Some pundits are asserting that you two are both actually related. Is this true? 

Tangerine: No, absolutely not. Like all citrus, we are of course the same genus, but I am a completely different species. I am a variety of mandarin, as a matter of fact.

Orange: Newsflash, tangerine--I am a hybrid of a pomelo and a mandarin, so while we may be different species, we are cousins!

Commentator: Any closing words for the electorate?

Tangerine: A vote for tangerine is a vote for your freedom to enjoy easy to peel, easily portable, juicy, healthy sweetness. Plus, I'm cute.

Orange: A vote for orange is a bold choice for traditional comforts like orange slices, orange juice, and classic-sized fruits.

Commentator: Thanks to you both. The votes are in, and friends, we have a tie! It seems that the citizens of the United States of Citrus find you both a-peeling. Looks like we have a few third-party votes for grapefruit as well. Thank goodness Florida Fruit Shippers has Free Shipping specials! 

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Friday, March 29, 2024

Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse: Bring Oranges!

One week after Easter, on April 8, 2024, North America will experience a total solar eclipse. This will be the first total eclipse of the sun since 2017. During an eclipse, the path of the sun enables many residents of the United States to witness a celestial phenomenon (using protective glasses) that is truly remarkable.

A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon orbits between the sun and Earth, thereby fully blocking the face of the sun. When this happens, the sky will darken for a few minutes, as if it were twilight. According to Science News: "Compared with the last total eclipse that crossed the United States, in 2017, this year’s total eclipse will last longer, the sky will fall darker, and the sun itself will put on a much livelier show."

What, you may ask, does all of this have to do with oranges and grapefruits?  Well, as it turns out, the unusual changes in lighting that occur during the mid-day eclipse do strange things to our eyesight, as the rod and cone cells in our eyes have to adapt to the quickly changing conditions.  Not only do vitamin C and bioflavonoids play an important role in how we see things, the color orange becomes key: read on to find out more.

Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, and Your Eyes

Our eyes are comprised of two major photoreceptor cells in the retina: rods and cones.  True to their names, the rods have an elongated shape, while cones have a conical shape. Rods are receptive to low light and help with our peripheral vision, while cones are adapted to pick up vibrant colors and details in full light. During the eclipse, both rods and cones will engage together in the twilight of partial or full totality; this dual engagement of rods and cones results in an unusual way to see colors, called mesopic vision. While warm colors like orange, red, and yellow--the colors of many citrus fruits--tend to be bright and visible by day, they turn much darker when mesopic vision is engaged. Likewise, cooler colors like green and purple become very vibrant.  

Here's a fun experiment you can try: bring a bowl of citrus fruits, apples. and green grapes and wear a combination of warm and cool colors during the eclipse. When the eclipse is at totality, take a moment to look away from the sky, remove your protective eyewear, and look at your clothes, the bowl of fruit, and surroundings.  You'll see a world that is literally in the "twilight zone," where oranges look purple, apples look black, and green grapes look bright and vivid. This is called the Purkinje effect.

The vitamin C and bioflavonoids found in citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits promote the health of the nerves that enervate the rods and cones so that the color perception can be transmitted to the brain.  These powerful compounds also strengthen the blood vessels and structural integrity of our eyes, enabling us to better experience the dynamic wonder of the eclipse.  As such, it's a great time to uptick your consumption of oranges and grapefruits in these days leading up to the eclipse.

Citrus and Science Models

There is nothing quite as effective as using models to teach astronomy.  Lucky for us, the sun resembles a very large orange or grapefruit, and as such makes a perfect "sun," Grab a ping pong or golf ball for the moon and a blue and green bouncy ball for the planet Earth and voila! You have an instant model to teach kids what the solar eclipse is all about.  After the learning session, you can eat the sun!

In fact, "eating the sun" is what we are doing every time we enjoy a delicious piece of fruit from Florida Fruit Shippers. Thanks to the warmth and light from our closest star and the finest growing conditions and practices, our fruit "eclipses" anything you'll ever find in a grocery store.

Happy Easter, Passover, and Solar Eclipse, from all of us here at Florida Fruit Shippers!


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